Though each person’s journey is unique in many ways, we do share the common reality that no one is immune from suffering.
At times it is a relatively mild disappointment or minor inconvenience - a rainy vacation, a flat tire at rush hour, a missed birthday party.
In other seasons, weightier concerns seek to crush you - a terrifying diagnosis, a difficult marriage, a tragic loss, or a toxic workplace.
How do you find your way in the darkness when your bearings have failed you?
Why move forward when hope seems all but lost?
Where do you find strength when you grow weary of the journey?
To what do you cling when all is stripped away?
Dustin George in Before Dawn: Knowing God’s Presence in the Dark Seasons of Life
about dustin
Dustin George is a lead pastor, a writer, and a conference speaker. He has served for nearly two decades in various pastoral positions across all age ranges. Before entering full time church ministry, Dustin taught high school English for 10 years. In his free time, Dustin can usually be found fly-fishing in the Smokies, expanding his skills as a craftsman, or enjoying his next adventure. He and his wife, Rebecca George, live in East Tennessee.
I wrote a book…for you!
You have walked through some hard seasons.
I have too.
Times of grief, exhaustion, uncertainty and suffering.
We were made for more than this, but we have not arrived yet. Until we do, there will be some rocky stretches along the way.
Anchored in biblical principles and written in a warm, storytelling style, Before Dawn: Knowing God’s Presence in the Dark Seasons of Life will offer comfort, encouragement, and challenge to anyone navigating the difficult times we all face.
Consider this book as our warm conversation in the cozy corner of a coffee shop. A guidebook to the season of the valley. A long talk under the stars sitting by the firelight. Or perhaps just a voice calling out in the wilderness offering direction as to where to find water.
My prayer is that you will enjoy a renewed sense of purpose, the holy grit, and the unruffled faith to take the next step in your journey.
This is for you.
For those bearing scars of old or fresh wounds and wondering if the outcome will be worth the struggle.
For every person walking with grief through the landscape of broken dreams, broken promises, and a broken world.
For the fear-fighters who scrape up courage scattered like dropped coins to meet the required cost of facing another day and stack high the full amount while worrying if they will find enough to pay the toll again tomorrow.
For the leaders who have invested time, effort and energy in a mission, an organization, or a ministry only to wonder if all the years of sacrifice have brought no lasting change, and in the worst moments, consider it all a terrible waste.
For all the weary ones reaching the end of the proverbial rope only to find too little left to tie a knot and hang on, so they ponder with slipping grip how far the drop might prove to be.
And for every heart burdened with pain whispering at the crossroads, “I’m done.”
This is for you.
Because dawn is coming.